


NewsReport One




1. But thewoman says the snake she in carried firstly terrified her out of her wits. Shesaid the snake first slipped back under the seat, and she hoped it would staythere until she was able to get off the highway and stopped.

2. Shecalled for help and the Washington DC Animal Control Officers came and capturethe snake.

Question1. How did KS feel when she first came across the rattlesnake?

Question2. What does the report say about the snake?



NewsReport Two




1. Fastfood turns out it isn’t quite as fast as it used to be.

2. Amongthe reasonsfor the slower service, today there are more choices on the menu and theproducts themselves are more complex and take longer to prepare.

Question3. What is the news report mainly about?

Question4. What has slowed down the McDonald’s service?



NewsReport Three


Moon Express( 月球捷运 )是一家美国公司,长期目标是在月球采矿,是民间探月计划。它的目的和任务是使一个手提箱大小的科学设备着陆月球,并进行商业开发的持续探索。该公司对自己的计划十分乐观。


1. Thefirst private mission outside of the earth orbit is closed to many of ourthink.

2. MoonExpress’s mission involves plans to land a suitcase size package of scientificequipment on the moon for on-going exploration on commercial development.

3. But noted that the company isvery optimistic about it’s proposal.

Question5. What is the news report mainly about?

Question6. What is Moon Express planning to do?

Question7. What does Moon Express think of it’s mission?






今年四级考试在阅读这个版块里,总体难度仍然呈较为平稳的发展态势。无论是选词填空、长篇阅读还是仔细阅读,与我们之前在四级课堂上讲到的解题技巧都有很高的契合度。首先一起来谈谈选词填空这个题型。首先第一步分析选项词性。今年 名词考7个,动词考5个,形容词考2个,副词1个。如此一来,我们很快把15选1缩小到了最多是7选1,最少的情况是1选1。另外,请注意,名词通过单复数,动词通过时态和非谓语动词还可以进一步缩小范围。长篇阅读难度持平,用定位法则快速找定位即可。 再来谈谈仔细阅读部分。我们在课堂上跟大家反复强调过,四级仔细阅读的核心在于四个字“精准定位”,今年所涉及到的考点全部是我们之前课程中所涵盖到的。总而言之,只要大家在考试过程中熟练地运用了之前课堂上学到的解题方法,取得好成绩也是顺理成章的。


Section A

26. 答案M

解析:本题套用我们课上 讲到的做题技巧,空前介词,空格填名词,结合语义,M选 项正确。

27. 答案N

解析:本题套用我们课上讲到的做题技巧,固定搭配be restricted to,N选项正确。

28. 答案C

解析:本题套用我们课上讲到的做题技巧,空前不定冠词,空格填名词,固定搭配as aconsequence,表示“因此”,C选项正确。

29. 答案J


30. 答案F

解析:本题套用我们课上讲到的做题技巧,空前介词,空格填名词,固定搭配indetail,表示“详细地”, F选项正确。

31. 答案K

解析:本题套用我们课上讲到的做题技巧,固定搭配be intended to,结合语义,K选项正确。

32. 答案L


33. 答案B


34. 答案I


35. 答案E


Section C


46. 答案A

解析:根据定位词needn’t be concerned和memory slips定位到第一段第三和第四句,原文there are prettyclear differences between signs of dementia and age-related memory loss与A选项意思一致。其他三个选项均不符题意。

47. 答案C

解析:根据定位词become aged定位到第三段,原文changes in brain cells can affect communication between differentregions of the brain与C选项意思一致。其他三个选项均不符题意。

48. 答案A

解析:根据定位词take seriously定位到第五段,原文more serious与定位词匹配,entire experience与A选项意思一致。其他三个选项均不符题意。

49. 答案A

解析:根据定位词signs of serious memory loss show up定位到倒数第二段最后一句,原文brain cognitive reserve与A选项意思一致。其他三个选项均不符题意。

50. 答案D

解析:根据定位词Dr. Daffner’s advice定位到最后一段最后两句话,原文get physically active与D选项意思一致。其他三个选项均不符题意。

阅读部分答案解析来自:武汉新东方李文竹、江帆 、秦安琪、赵小月老师




笔者曾在强化课堂中反复强调传统类考题的重要性,而 2017年12月的四级作文,开始返朴归真,重新回归对于传统考题类型的考察“医患关系”“两代关系”“师生关系”,故大胆在冲刺班预测,请各位考生务必继续关注与社会热点相关的传统题型,话题内容请关注和大学生学习工作生活和社会改革发展变化相关的话题。果不其然,正如今年卷一:the importance of writing and how to improve writing skills,考查形式属于“现象类”,考查内容属于“大学生学习工作生活”,考察形式和内容均类似于2010年6月四级考题“Due Attention Should Be Given to Spelling”,具体解析如下:






Against the backdrop of economic globalization, neverbefore has English study aroused so much concern among the public, among whichthe study of writing is always on the top of both students’ and teachers’agenda.

There exist numerous necessities for this phenomenonspreading in colleges nowadays. On the one hand, as for students, it is animportant and indispensable quality for them to be competitive in the futurejob market, as writing is a process of output that needs a long time ofaccumulation. Thus, to be excelled in writing is equal to painstaking effortsfor English study in universities. On the other hand, enterprises andcorporations nowadays are in the position of enrolling those who are equippedwith excellent mastery of English writing, in that cross-national cooperationand collaboration does need formal written documentaries or contracts, whichcan be fully demonstrated in the format of writing.

To sum up, it is high time effective measures be takento further improve this beneficial situation. To start with, we each student shouldpay enough attention to every aspects of English study, especially writing.Apart from that, relevant courses or lectures are also supposed to be launchedin colleges to highlight the significance of writing. Only in this way can abright and promising future beneficial to all be expected in the long run!

卷二和卷三分别考察reading和speaking的Importance和improve 的方式,作文展开维度类似,不再赘述。











Buses used to be themain means of transportation for Chinese people. In recent years, due to theincreasing number of private cars, traffic problems in cities have become increasinglysevere. In order to encourage more people to travel by bus, many cities havebeen trying to improve the quality of bus service. The facilities of buses areconstantly being updated, and the speed has also been increased significantly,while bus fares are still quite low. Nowadays, in most cities, many localelderly citizens can take buses for free.


① 公交车曾是中国人出行的主要交通工具。

第一句句式为简单的主系表,“曾是”用used to be表示。词汇方面注意主语“公交车”为可数名词需要用复数形式buses,“交通工具”用vehicle/means of transportation/transportation tool均可。

Buses used to be the main means of transportation for Chinesepeople.

② 近年来,由于私家车数量不断增多,城市的交通问题越来越严重。

第二句句式也为主系表,使用“become”比be动词更能体现出变化。词汇方面“私家车”用private cars即可,“越来越”可用副词increasingly表示。

In recent years, due to the increasing number of privatecars, traffic problems in cities have become increasingly severe.

③ 许多城市为了鼓励更多人乘公交车出行,一直在努力改善公交车的服务质量。

第三句中两个动词,第一个动词前有“为了”自然使用动词不定式表示目的,可用短语“in order to”引导放在句首,第二个动词为主句谓语动词,主谓宾结构,注意“一直”需要翻译成现在完成进行时。

In order to encourage more people to travel by bus, manycities have been trying to improve the quality of bus service.

④ 车辆的设施不断更新,车速也有了显著提高。

⑤ 然而,公交车的票价却依然相当低廉。


The facilities of buses are constantly being updated, and thespeed has also been increased significantly, while bus fares are still quitelow.

⑥ 现在,在大多数城市,许多当地老年市民都可以免费乘坐公交车。

Nowadays, in most cities, many local elderly citizens cantake buses for free.

第六句为主谓宾结构,“老年市民”用senior citizens/elderly citizens均可,注意尽量不要使用oldpeople。



For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of building trust between businesses and consumers/teachers and students/employers and employees. You can cite examples to illustrate your views. 150-200 words.

传统!无惊喜!很简单的引入+原因+例子的写法~ 上课各种讲啊!


It is a truth universally acknowledged that the trust between businesses and consumers plays a key role in boosting the prosperity of our commercialized society. When the trust is built, it gives tremendous freedom to the consumers and the companies they choose; but when the trust is lost, it can cost a company’s life and is impossible to recover.

For instance, Sanlu Milk Powder company used to be one of biggest dairy companies in China, and a huge number of Chinese citizens drank it everyday, hoping to make their bodies stronger and healthier. However, ten years ago, the news that there was poisonous ingredient in it and some infants were fatally sick because they drank it was exposed to the public. This scandal went viral and devastated the image of Sanlu in a few months. Another case is Xiaomi, which used to sell cheap digital products. A lot of people did not trust it because the price was very low. However, its dedication to producing cheap products with high quality has gradually built trust between consumers and this brand, and, not long ago, its goodwill and reputation helped it go public and earn a huge amount of money.

In order to earn the trust of consumers, businesses should always keep their promises to them. Meanwhile, it is about time that some consumers who like taking advantages of businesses changed this habit and helped to protect the benefit of these companies.


共享单车:Bikes once were the most important means of transportation in the cities and villages in China which used to be called the Kingdom of Bikes. At present, with traffic congestion and air pollution becoming increasingly severe, riding bikes are popular again. In the past several years, Chinese entrepreneurs have combined the mobile Internet technology with traditional bikes, inventing a brand new commercial mode called shared bikes. The advent of shared bikes makes riding more convenient. People can ride shared bikes anytime as they wish only when equipped with a smart phone. To encourage people to ride bikes when they go out, cycle tracks have been built in many cities. Now, Chinese people in increasing numbers like building their bodies through riding bikes as well.

高铁:At present, China has the largest and fastest high-speed railway network in the world. The running velocity of high-speed rail will keep climbing and more cities will built their own high-speed rail stations. The high-speed rail greatly shortens people’s travel time. Compared with airplanes, high-speed trains have an outstanding merit which is punctuality because the operation of high-speed rail is basically not influenced by not only weather conditions but also traffic control. The high-speed rail has tremendously changed Chinese people’s life styles. At present, it has been the most preferred transportation for many people when they are on business trips. People in increasing amount also go traveling by high-speed rail on holidays. There are also many young people, who choose to work in one city and live in a nearby city, commuting between two different cities by high-speed rail everyday.




文章来源:《Domestic robots are a not too distant reality》


文章概要:文章简单介绍了科技大咖--Elon Musk为人类所作出的贡献,其中之一便是机器人在生活中的使用。有些人可能会害怕机器人太过于聪明,给人类造成威胁,但是最终其实人类完全有能力处理这些问题,且人类可以放心享受机器人带来的好处。

26. D) enabling

解析:由于该空之后是名词human,可能会被误认为需要填形容词,但是之前的and提醒我们要注意整个并列结构。根据之前的is bringing,可以推出该空需要填动词,再加上之后的to live on 以及文意,可以推出应该使用enabling。

27. H) generously

解析:该空之前和之后都是动词,所以只有可能填副词,又因为之前的句子中有一个this entrepreneur has做定语从句在修饰fortune, 基本可以确定副词在修饰comes而不是has,再根据文意,该公司的财富大部分来自的是实际的成就,故选择generously。

28. N) terrified


L) smart

解析:该空处于一个搭配so+adj. 或adv.+that (如此...以至于)之中,可以推出需要填的是形容词或者副词,再加上文意推出,人类害怕机器人太聪明而谋杀人类,选择smart。

I) misleading


31. E) eventually

解析: 该空处于两个动词之间,且有双逗号隔开,可以推出使用副词。而整个答案之中只有两个副词,eventually和generously(之前已选),故选择eventually。而从文意中也可以理解:最终,拥有机器人就像是拥有一个兼具保姆和护士功能的机器。



33. J)Precious




35. K) reward



文章来源:《In the real world, nobody cares that you went to an Ivy League school》















第一篇:《Are Americans better off than they were a decade or two ago?》



本篇文章讨论了一种新的衡量经济的一种方法-- The Jones-Klenow Method。该方法在衡量经济时将囊括更多的变量而不仅仅只是平均收入,可以对比同时间不同国家以及同一个国家不同时间人们的经济水平。


A. It is based on questionable statistics.

B. It is a more comprehensive measure of people’s economic well-being.

C. It covered up the differences between individual citizens.

D. It can compare a country’s economic conditions between different periods of time.

C. It has not improved as much as reported by Census Bureau


文章来源:《Why We Are Better At Making Decisions For Other People》




A. They may become exhausted by making too many decisions for themselves

C. Decision fatigue may prevent people making wise decisions.

B. When they help others to make decisions.

D. They refrain from trying anything new.

A. It is vital for one to reach the goal desired.



26 K reputed

27 C characters

28 M supposed

29 E fierce

30 H obsessed

31 A campaign

32 N traditional

33 I proclamation

34 F inspired

35 L rest


36. There are a couple of plants tough and adaptable enough to survive on bare rocky hills and in deserts.


C) Extreme conditions produce extremely tough plants. In the rusty red deserts of South Africa, …

37. Farrant is trying to isolate genes in resurrection plants and reproduce them in crops.


H) After completing her Ph.D. on seeds, Farrant began investigating whether it might be possible to isolate her properties that make most seeds so…

38. Farmers in South Africa are more at the mercy of nature, especially inconsistent rainfall.


B) Biologist Jill Farrant of the University of Cape Town in South Africa says that nature has plenty of answers for people who want to grow crops in

39. Resurrection crops are most likely to be the choice of subsistence farmers.


40. Even though many plants have developed carious tactics to cope with dry weather, they can’t survive a prolonged drought.


E) The big difference between “drought-tolerant”plants and these tough plants: metabolism. Many different kinds of plants have…

41. Despite consumer resistance, researchers are pushing ahead with genetic modification of crops.


I) Once Farrant and her colleagues feel they have a better sense of which switches to throw,…

42. Most seeds can pull through dry spells and begin growing when conditions are ripe, but once this process starts, it cannot be held back.


G) What else can do this dry-out-and-revive trick? Seeds-almost all of them. At the start of…

43. Farrant is working hard to cultivate food crops that can survive extreme dryness by studying the traits of rare wild plants.


B) Biologist Jill Farrant of the University of Cape Town in South Africa says that nature has plenty of answers for people who want to grow crops in

44. By adjusting their metabolism, resurrection plants can recover from an extended period of drought.


F) Resurrection plants, defined as those capable of recovering from holding less than 0.1 grams of water per gram of dry mass, are different. They lack…

45. Resurrection plants can come back to life in a short time after a rainfall.


D) Farrant calls them resurrection plants. During months without water under a harsh sun,…

Passage one

46 Compared with human memory, machines can ______.

identify human faces more efficiently

47 Why did researchers create Mega Face? C)To understand computers’ problems with facial recognition

48 What dose the passage say about machine accuracy?

D)It decreases as the database size increases.

49. What is said to be a shortcoming of facial-recognition machines?

A)They cannot easily tell apart people with near-identical appearances .

50.What is the difficulty confronting researchers of the facial- recognition machines?

B)There do not exist public databases with sufficient face samples.

Passage two

51. What does the author think of college students funding their education through loans?

B) They are acting in an irrational way.

52. In the author’ s opinion, free college education is ______.


53. What should students do if taxpayers are to bear their college costs?

C) Choose majors that will serve society’s practical needs.

54. What does the author say about the value of a student’s college education?

C) It is well reflected in their average starting salary.

55. What message does the author want to convey in the passage?

D) College students should fund their own education.
